Do you have trouble absorbing information before an exam? Have you buried your head in the books only to forget the important details when the big day arrives?

Don’t worry, we’ve all been there.

Sometimes students need a little bit of extra help when it comes to revising for an important exam. And one of the easiest ways to boost your brain power is to eat the right foods.

In this blog we will highlight the best food to eat before an exam to nourish both your body and brain.

What are the Best Foods to Eat Before an Exam?

Stressed? Up until the early hours cramming in that last-minute revision? No time to eat dinner? All these things can negatively impact your ability to function properly during an exam.

As well as changing your preparation habits, eating wisely leading up to exams and on the day will give you the very best chance of performing in the test.

Ideally, avoid fast foods and go for nutritious alternatives like low glycaemic options that deliver a steady supply of energy. Also, foods rich in zinc, iron, and vitamin B12 are packed with essential micronutrients that are known to improve brain function.

It’s also important to stay hydrated alongside any changes you make to your diet. The Eatwell Guide recommends you drink between six and eight glasses of fluid every day, whether that’s water, sugar-free drinks, lower-fat milk, or even tea and coffee. After all, water is vital for good brain function and helps process information – you’ll do plenty of that during the exam.

So, here are the best brain food for exams:

1. Oily Fish

Two slices of bread with oily fish on top

Natural fats like omega-3 that are found in some fish are a great source of brain-boosting nutrients. These ‘good fats’ are known to prevent the brain from ageing, promote good memory, and help prevent depression. Not only that but eating fatty fish can also improve your concentration levels when revising and enhance memory function. Salmon, sardines, mackerel, trout, crab, kippers, pilchards, herring, and swordfish are typical examples of oily fish that can be easily found in supermarkets and turned into a delicious meal like this spicy seafood risotto.

2. Broccoli

Affectionately known as ‘little trees,’ broccoli is more than just a humble green vegetable, it’s a cognitive crusader. Broccoli is particularly high in vitamin K, which has been shown to improve the way our brains process information – perfect for exam prep. As well as having a powerful effect on brain function, broccoli is cheap, versatile, and can be easily turned into hearty soups, used in stir-fries, or simply boiled. This recipe for braised rice with sweetcorn and broccoli is a health and filling option with a Caribbean twist.

3. Tomatoes

Avoiding the ‘fruit or vegetable’ debate, tomatoes are packed with nutrients including the antioxidant lycopene which supports brain health. This can be a real winner when you’re studying hard and trying to keep a clear head. There are literally thousands of different varieties of tomatoes, so it’s no surprise they’re a staple ingredient in all kinds of global cuisines. Simply roast them in the oven, toss in a salad, or consume as a healthy snack. For a quick, easy, and delicious meal consider this mouthwatering pepperoni and tomato pasta.

4. Chicken and lean meat

Lean meats are a great source of vital vitamins such as B3 and B6. These nutrients help the body release energy from food by converting carbohydrates into glucose. One of the biggest benefits of vitamin B-3, also known as niacin, is that it helps reduce stress and anxiety which often occur during study and exams. If your budget allows, opt for organic, free-range chicken, although any lean meat, fish, eggs, and wheat flour also contain vitamin B-3. You can whip up this tasty roast chicken and mushroom dish in just 15 minutes, or spice up mealtime with this classic chicken curry recipe.

5. Wholegrains

When your head’s stuck in the books for what seems like an age, you’ll need to maintain your energy levels to boost your concentration levels and absorb information. Wholegrains are a fantastic food in this respect as they provide a steady flow of energy that’s released slowly into the body for maximum effect. Wholegrains are present in a vast range of everyday foods including pasta, brown rice, brown granary bread, and cereals. This comforting cheesy chicken and rice casserole is perfect for midweek suppers and you can add as much rice as you want to boost your wholegrain intake.

6. Sage

It stands to reason the versatile and aromatic herb sage is a brain-boosting food. After all, sage also stands for wisdom and good judgment which you’ll need during exams. Evidence suggests that sage can support the memory and information processing, and improve general alertness. Sage is commonly used to flavour poultry and as an ingredient in stuffing. You can also use it to enhance a range of dishes like scrumptious creamy chicken and bacon mac and cheese.

7. Nuts and Seeds

Another way to keep your energy levels up during revision and exams is with nuts and seeds. They’re great at releasing energy to ward off tiredness and keep you alert. A study has shown that nuts and seeds, just like oily fish, are a fantastic source of ‘good fats’ including omega-3 and vitamin E which are known to enhance your decision-making ability. Almond, cashew, peanut, hazelnut, pistachio, pecan, pine nut, walnut, Brazil nut, pumpkin seeds, and sesame seeds are widely available in most stores. Whether you eat them as a snack or simply sprinkle over a stir-fry or nutritious meal like this spicy butter chicken, you won’t be short of options.

8. Eggs

We’re not suggesting eating eggs will turn you into an egghead. But they do contain a pile of multivitamins and nutrients that are essential for good brain function including vitamin B21, choline, and selenium. The other great thing about eggs is you can eat them however you like – fried, poached, scrambled, boiled – or simply quartered in a classic nicoise salad. You could even bulk out this yummy veggie picnic pie with some halved boiled eggs.

9. Avocados

Research suggests that consuming avocados can improve cognitive function which is exactly what you need during exam time. What’s more, avocado can be enjoyed in multiple ways, such as spread on toast with tomatoes and paprika or simply on their own with a touch of sea salt. Alternatively, mash them up, with garlic, herbs, and spices and create your own delicious guacamole to accompany this punchy chunky summer vegetable chilli.

10. Apples

They’re renowned for keeping the doctor away, but apples are also believed to help brain function. That’s because apples contain quercetin which is particularly present in the skin. This powerful antioxidant is known to protect brain cells against free radicals which can damage the outer lining around the brain and reduce cognitive function. So give your brain a kickstart by snacking on an apple or adding apple slices to salads and dishes like this healthy roasted vegetable pasta.

11. Blueberries

Blueberries aren’t just bursting with flavour, these juicy little bombs also pack a brain-boosting punch. Blueberries contain a variety of antioxidants, and research shows that a daily intake can improve your memory and ability to learn. Who doesn’t need that when you’re sitting exams? You could add blueberries to your breakfast porridge or make them into a smoothie to accompany a healthy snack like this simple pesto chicken pasta.

12. Chocolate

We’ve all reached for the chocolate when we need a pick-me-up. The good news is chocolate, and dark chocolate in particular, has many health benefits including the ability to improve brain function. Why? Chocolate improves blood flow to the brain, which may explain why eating cocoa appears to boost attention and enhance the memory. You don’t need us to tell you how to enjoy chocolate. But the next time you tuck into a hearty dinner like this satisfying sausage meatball goulash, treat yourself to a few squares of chocolate as dessert.

Got Any Tips About What to Eat Before an Exam?

If you’ve created a winning dish that helped you study and got you through some tough exams, we’d love to hear about it. Tag us on social media and share your photos and tips.